Apple Cider

           Tis the season for Apple picking
This is so so good. And very easy to do as well not only do you get cider, but you also get Apple sauce.

Half bushel of Apple's I use Macintosh apples wash them well.
1 cinnamon stick
1 cup honey / or sugar. I use honey cause it works better.

Peel your Apple.  Save the peels discard the core.

Chunk your apples up in a big stock pot.  Add about 4 quarts water cook the apples till they are soft and you can mash them, with a potato masher.

In other pan cook Apple peels in 2 quarts water, till the Apple on the peels comes off.

Next strain your Apple chunks into another stock pot press them a couple times.
Use the apples to make Apple sauce.

Next strain the peels into the same pan.

Next add sugar and cinnamon stick to pot stir. Let cinnamon stick sit in pot for about 30 min and remove.

And there you have it my cider.  Which is very good on a cold day warmed with a little nip of rum you will be good to go.


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