Apple Sauce

Apple's apple's,  every where is Apple's.
Thank goodness there are tons of things, that you can make with Apple's.  Which leads me to show you how to make Apple sauce.

Half bushel of macintosh apples pleaded cored and chunked
3 quarts water
1 cup honey
1 table spoon cinnamon optional

Place Apple's in a big stock pot with water heat on stove on medium high bring to a boil for about 2 min.  Remove from heat and strain. Place Apple's in blender and mash them up when finished pour into a big bowl.

Next add cinnamon and honey to bowl of Apple's mix well. This will make about 12 pint jars. Processing jars in your canner per its instructions.

Now don't dump out that juice from Apple's look at my blog for Cider.


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