Homemade Noodles

Now we all know the store bought noodles are much faster then making your own.
But when it comes to Noodles hand made at home are the BEST, nothing compares to them.

Egg Noodles.

2 Eggs
2 cups Flour
2 swirls of Olive oil
about 2 TB spoons water

Take your flour and place it on your work surface area, and make a mound with a well on top.
Next crack your eggs and drop them in the well like so.  Swirl with Olive oil and a TBS of water.
Whisk with a fork to mix it up its messy but fun.


next with your hands mix it up you want to combine it by kneading it for about 4 to 5 min. Then let it rest under a bowl on your work surface for about 30 min.

Break dough in half and roll out to about 1/4 of a inch thick 

                                 Then cut your noodles I use a sharp knife to do mine.

                                    Let the noodles rest a while before you cook them.

I hope you enjoy these as much as my Family does.


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